Open-Book Accounting

Open-Book Accounting is an aspiration, a set of ideals for the truly transparent corporation.

Every ledger, every account, every transaction held or made by a transparent corporation should be open and auditable by the world. Commercial confidentiality be damned: we have a right to know.


3 comments so far

  1. […] as in transparent. How transparent? Transparent enough to satisfy Transparency Extremist: Every ledger, every account, every transaction held or made by a transparent corporation should be […]

  2. Martin Björnsson (@svanstroll) on

    Hi! I’m just wondering if you know any webtools for open accounting? I have a NGO as a customer who WANTS to put it all on the web, preferrably in wordpress: do you know any plugins etc for that?

  3. ghi on

    i’ll try to ask my friend who works at atlanta ga accounting if they still have this type of webtool.

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